Come join me for a swift pint in Heathrow Airport. Liam says that Weatherspoons in Terminal 4 is the best spot. Hope to see a few of you there.
Leave a comment if you have ideas for things I should do while I'm there.
Leave a comment if you have ideas for things I should do while I'm there.
Leave a comment if you have ideas for things I should do while I'm there.
Au Contraire is the New Zealand National Science Fiction Convention for 2010. Not sure what a science fiction convention is? See About. The convention will be taking place in Wellington over 27-29 August 2010 - the weekend before the WorldCon in Australia. This is to allow fen travelling from overseas to attend both conventions while in Australasia.
Maree Pavletich, John Hertz, James Shields, and Norman Cates will be loosely moderated by Flick from the League of Fan Funds as they tell stories of their trips and explain the the why and the how of the funds that send fans to other parts of the world.
Au Contraire is the New Zealand National Science Fiction Convention for 2010. Not sure what a science fiction convention is? See About. The convention will be taking place in Wellington over 27-29 August 2010 - the weekend before the WorldCon in Australia. This is to allow fen travelling from overseas to attend both conventions while in Australasia.
Group discussion on everyone's favourite Time Lord - what do we think of Matt Smith?
Au Contraire is the New Zealand National Science Fiction Convention for 2010. Not sure what a science fiction convention is? See About. The convention will be taking place in Wellington over 27-29 August 2010 - the weekend before the WorldCon in Australia. This is to allow fen travelling from overseas to attend both conventions while in Australasia.
Learn from the experts - those poor bastards who've already done it.
Predicting our future - what are our lives going to be like over the next few decades?
A moderated group discussion on depictions of gods and organised religion in SF/F literature.
"The first glass of New Zealand beer that I drank convinced me that I really had come to the ends of the Earth. But that was many years ago and today the situation is much improved. A serious scientific investigation of the baseline and any improvement will take place in certain carefully selected Wellington establishments on the Monday after Au Contraire closes for business. Anyone wishing to provide input to the analysis should meet in the hotel foyer. We'll walk out and crawl back, suitably refreshed. Kneepads not provided." - Alan and Simon
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14 years 29 weeks ago
14 years 29 weeks ago